~Happy New Year!
Senin, 31 Desember 2007

~Christmas Eve, Joyful Wishes, Joyeux Noël, Buon Natale! Etc..
Senin, 24 Desember 2007
If you wander by here on your journey of home tours or just playing tourist in Blogland, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and PEACE in the New Year. Maybe we can create Peace in the World one person, and one family at a time.
My heart is filled with Christmas Joy even as there is an ache over the war that wages on beyond our sight and sound. War is evil, said a wise and wonderful Noble Peace Prize winner. Very seldom ever necessary and always evil. I pray for the young soldiers so far away from home this HolyDay , their families, and for all the people there.
to Men of Good Will!
~Christmas Joy, Happy Sunday
Minggu, 23 Desember 2007

~Snowflakes & Silver, Christmas Joy Saturday
Sabtu, 22 Desember 2007

It's cookie day at our house! We will be baking my favorite chocolate chip cookies and some white chocolate macadamia nut ones to take to my in-laws. That's if I can hide enough from Sweet Husband, because he loves those, too.
I'm trying to take a few breaks now and then to go on the Home Tours, from both Tracey's site and BooMama's. What wonderful homes, people and decorations! It has been such a joy to visit each of you. And it makes me wonder, are you making cookies today, too? And are those little presents all wrapped? I'll be doing some of that the next day or so as well.
Happy Saturday!
~Friday, It's Almost Christmas
Jumat, 21 Desember 2007

~The Morning Room Christmas Tree
Kamis, 20 Desember 2007

It has been so much fun to join in the Holiday Christmas Tours. Thanks for coming by to visit.
~Thursday, Christmas Joy 2007 Gingerbread or Pictures?

So no picture taking time yesterday. But before I go run errands I snapped a quick one of the wicker chest which holds the table linens in the living room decorated for Christmas.
~Christmas Joy Wednesday, Holiday Home Tour
Rabu, 19 Desember 2007

I'll be posting new pictures each day until Christmas, so you are welcome to come back often and see what's new.

Because it was a Snowflake kind of year, I made these pretty large snowflakes, all glittered in silver and gold with different images in the center. Family members wanted a couple of them and I decided to use one on a mirror on the living room mantel.

This mantel has kiwi/lime green beads, acorns & ornaments, intertwined with evergreens. There are silver glittered snowflakes and a large crystal one beside the little silver bucket filled with ornaments and lights. The large lime green ornaments were found at Bombay a few years ago and are wonderful for bringing in the same green, and the large mercury glass ornaments from Z Gallerie reflect light in such a beautiful way.

This is one of those. Kind of like small doll houses in blown glass.
~Christmas Decorating, Just A Little Bit
Selasa, 18 Desember 2007

It's a Snowflake year! I have lots of them everywhere, silver or white mostly. I've loved them for a long time and started collecting some beautiful white porcelain ones around 1984. I've been looking for a potter who makes them ever since, but no luck. If you ever know of any handmade ones, please let me know. But they might be too difficult to ship. I've broken 2 or 3 of the ones I had.

I hope all of you are able to take some time to slow down and really be in the moment of this Holyday Season.
(( Rhoda, I thought that last picture was big. I'll try to do better. :) ))
~Monday, The Winner is.....
Senin, 17 Desember 2007

My feeling this year to embrace red. Although it's in a dash here and there. I haven't used red in a couple of years, so it was new and fresh again with my kiwi/lime green.
~Friday, Christmas Joy, GiveAway
Jumat, 14 Desember 2007
I've made some 5 x 7 inch prints of the Christmas Silhouette for gifts this year since everyone loves it when they see it in person. It reads Merry Christmas 2007.
Just leave a note on this post by Sunday Night and I'll draw a name out of the cookie jar and post the winner on Monday.
If you have Christmas pictures on your site, please let me know. I want to see what you have done to bring the Joy of the Christmas Spirit into your homes! And I don't want to miss a one.
Today's assignment for me, is to take some pictures. I sure am late at getting these things done this year. At this rate I might not get cards even in the mail. See you all later. But I hope to have some new Christmas pictures up to share very soon.
~Christmas Special at Etsy Shop
Selasa, 11 Desember 2007
New in the shop, one of my Art Collages. I remember falling in love with Italian Art & Architecture while studying. I never got over it. It still is my favorite. No matter what came before this period, or after, my heart stayed right here.
Note to DD: The gold charges were purchased new about 5 years ago. I'm not sure where they came from, but most likely not expensive. I have not seen any quite like them since at a decent price.
~Happy Monday, The Winner Is....
Senin, 10 Desember 2007
I really thought there would be no outdoor lights this year. Everyone around here is just overworked this year and even the lights seemed like just more work. So I was not going to let it bug me too much. I didn't even whine a bit about it. But then, out of the blue, Sweet Hubby got out the ladder! So it's not as many as in years past, but at least the icicles are hanging down with dancing lights from the eaves as they usually are.
The inside is still waiting for me! Waiting for the boxes of art stuff to get out of the way, and put away. Which is about any minute now, I keep promising.
When my Sweet Daughter was in high school or early college, she and her best friend came over and wanted to decorate the Christmas Tree. They had a ball, and kept saying....Mom is going to change it. They came in the next day and checked it high and low. I didn't turn the tree around like the episode on "Friends" but I had kind of rearranged. And they noticed every single thing!
This year, I got the lights all on, and yes, Sweet Daughter wanted to decorate. Just to give me some Christmas Time. :) She did an excellent job! But she was sure I'd change things. She came in from work the next day, and I only had to confess changing to ornaments, they just needed the space the other one was in. I actually left it alone!
You cannot image how strange this tale is unless you've lived with a designer who measures everything and almost carries a level on her for a hairclip! I love the tree as it, more because she took the time out of her busy schedule to do it along with me, while I unpacked the ornaments and talked about them all for the upteenth time.
We have been collecting Radko's for over 10 years. Not just for the name but because we love the old fashioned look and quality of them. I know I haven't been shopping much when I realize I haven't bought a new one at all this year.
Wish me luck in my battle with the boxes and messes around here. I am determined to win even if it takes putting a POD in the driveway!
~Friday GiveAway, Christmas Joy
Jumat, 07 Desember 2007
~Thursday, A Little More Festival Decorations
Kamis, 06 Desember 2007
It's always fun to get a little inspiration from these events. I am eager to see what all of you are doing for your decorations. I love this time of year!

~Monday and the Winner is....
Senin, 03 Desember 2007
~Christmas Joy, Friday GiveAway
Jumat, 30 November 2007

Does it feel like Christmas yet? It's 80* here today, so that makes it a bit warm for getting in the mood. But that's what air conditioning is for, isn't it?!
For years, I always decorated for Christmas 10 days before Christmas Day, and tried to keep everything out for another few days after the big day. Somewhere along the line, the starting day got sooner and sooner. Part of the reason was my daughter. She pointed out that it sure was a lot of work just to have the decorations for such a short time. Now the beginning of December usually gets me going, and try to leave it up past the day after Christmas! I hope we find a tree this weekend and then doing a little sparkling around here.
A bit of Beau & Santa to hang on your tree or to fancy up a gift or door knob.
The picture shows 2 different ornaments, the one on the right with Beau Bunny is this week's GiveAway.
Post a note by Sunday midnight or so, and I'll draw a name and post it on Monday. Hope your Weekend is Wonderful!
~Tables of Christmas Cheer
Selasa, 27 November 2007

Hope you enjoyed the tour with me.
~Monday, Congratulations, The Winner Is...
Senin, 26 November 2007
(almost) never goes out shopping on Black Friday!
We did find that a lot of things are still available on
Saturday and the crowds seem to be much smaller.
And Sunday was even better,
although we didn't go near a mall.
as the week goes on. I'll be offering free shipping
on all orders $75 and over.
~Friday Christmas Joy GiveAway
Jumat, 23 November 2007
of Beau Bunny and Santa.
~ThanksGiving Week...
Senin, 19 November 2007
~Congratulations the Winner is....
by and enter the GiveAway!
~Christmas JOY, Friday GiveAway!
Jumat, 16 November 2007
Sweet Husband just called and said he isn't going to work today after all, so that means we are on our way out the door to Renninger's Extravaganza!
~Such a Lovely Love Story, and Wedding
Selasa, 13 November 2007
A year and half ago, their lives were full of fun with a dash of caution I'm sure since he was a police officer. He was hurt in the line of duty and needed surgery on his knee. Not major surgery. While they were doing the operation, he had a major stroke. He came out no longer able to talk or walk and had to learn all of this again at the age of about 30. Not something that would ever cross your mind at that age. She has been his "angel" as he said with great difficulty of speaking during the ceremony. What amazed me was how she looked at him exactly the same as if he were giving his vows with the most clear and perfect voice possible. She looked at him the same as he struggled with speaking as she did before the stroke, he was totally the same to her. Not a waver of her loving gaze as if he speech was still perfect. Weddings often make me cry. This time it didn't. I was too in awe of the courage and love I was privileged to see.
The setting overlooking the lake was spectacular, with huge cypress trees on acres of land. Such a perfect spot with this gazebo in just the right place.

~Beau Bunny's Christmas Tree
Rabu, 07 November 2007
~Autumn's Amber Glow, Leaves
Senin, 05 November 2007
The paintings often took months for sweet husband to finish. I didn't have that kind of patience. Each one was woven out of his imagination and love of painting. This one pays homage to Autumn's Beauty.
~Decorating with the Colors of Autumn
Jumat, 02 November 2007

The entry table hopefully will get a new arrangement sometime today to greet Autumn instead of celebrating Halloween.
~Water, the Enchanted Element on All Soul's Day
Kamis, 01 November 2007
Today is All Soul's Day. A strange and old holy-day. But it's nice to remember all those who have been with us in our lives and gave us Love, but who are no longer here on Earth. Blessings to all who have Loved us.
~Happy Halloween
Rabu, 31 Oktober 2007
Thank you for your notes on my husband's painting. I love his art and I wish he had more time to paint now. But it was so much fun sharing it with you.
~New Art Prints on Etsy, My Sweet Husband's Art
Senin, 29 Oktober 2007
~Snickers, Pumpkinheads & Bears

I remember more how excited my daughter was. I wish she would still go out Trick or Treating, but at 28, she just won't go. But she still finds the Snickers bef0re the little kids get here. But that's kind of part of the plan of the Holiday.
~Your Tears Are My Prayers, Create Beauty
Jumat, 26 Oktober 2007

Create Beauty, Everyday.... Each day we have the choice of which door to enter through. I love doors, windows and gates, they almost always lead to somewhere.
This is a fabulous photographer that I believe Creates Beauty in the World,
Leah, of Mia Bella Vita. Her photos will warm your heart.
Have a Safe and Happy Weekend.
~The Perfect, Crooked Silver Teapot
Selasa, 23 Oktober 2007

So this day we found the messy store, consignment type, with boxes of junk. Not necessarily cool junk, that I love. This was just junk. Stuff that someone didn't want, and neither did I. However, moving things around and looking a bit harder did begin to yeild a special treat here and there.
I often use it in some arrangement in the living room or entry area. Every time, it reminds me of the wonderful day we spent together. My kind and caring husband began going on these little excursions just for me. I think now he enjoys them quite a bit, just because we are together and he likes seeing me find something special. We no longer have to go to thrift stores and garage sales because we can't afford to buy things new. Now we go to find something special from the past and to make our own memories.
So here it is, my treasured gift, the perfect, crooked, tarnished, silver teapot in a wonderful, imperfect, little house, which happens to shelter my heart, my family.
**Thank You! to dear Teresa at Plum Water Cottage for the Smile Award!**
Sorry I always forget to mention these things.
~Halloween Give Away Winner! is...............
Senin, 22 Oktober 2007

to each of you for coming by
and leaving such kind and sweet comments
for the Give Away and Everyday!
~Halloween Give Away! A Little Treat
Kamis, 18 Oktober 2007
You know how I love a Give Away and what better
time than when "Trick or Treat" will soon fill the
air along with the cool breeze of autumn!
A discount at my Etsy Shop and a Give Away here!
If you purchase anything at my Etsy Shop wait for me to send you an invoice and I'll take 10% off the price of the item. Everything is being sent out Via Priority Mail, so you will have it within just a few days and in plenty of time to enjoy of the Holdiay!
And....The GiveAway is this wonderful
little Boo Ghost Art right here!
I think you all know how to play the game
in Blog Land
Just leave a little note on this post by
Sunday, Oct 21st. The name will be picked then.
This will be mailed on Monday, so you will have it next week!
~Celebrate ~Autumn
Jumat, 12 Oktober 2007

~Thursday, Re-Creation....Delightful Dolphins & Dessert Lady
Kamis, 11 Oktober 2007

It is way too easy to take all of this for granted in your backyard. It isn't until I hear all of the accents and listen to how much it cost others to come here that I really appreciate it. This is such a wonderful place to relax. We got annual passes to Sea World so we can come back to Discovery Cove at a discount for the next year. Yipeeeeee, sounds good to me.

I've done this twice and it was an amazing experience to touch these magnificent creatures. Oh yeah, we get a kiss, too!

~Monday ~ Re-Creation...Believe
Senin, 08 Oktober 2007