Beau Bunny Bandito is making a new appearance in the Etsy shop
and I thought you might like to see him.
and I thought you might like to see him.
Beau always makes me smile, but this little rascal with his bandito mask trying to pretend he hasn't gotten any treats yet just cracks me up! I wonder if anyone will fall for it and forget that he already got a treat from them.
It will be a fabulous Autumn to have hurricane season over with this year. Watching the weather for us, it makes me so worried about the people where the storms will hit even if they miss us.
They will be putting the new roof on our house next week. Yes, fall will have to be quieter and less stressful!
It will be a fabulous Autumn to have hurricane season over with this year. Watching the weather for us, it makes me so worried about the people where the storms will hit even if they miss us.
They will be putting the new roof on our house next week. Yes, fall will have to be quieter and less stressful!
Have a Happy & Safe Holiday!