In years past, a dead car battery could send this little household into a tizzy. But today, it's all OK.
Darling Daughter took her car in for service on Saturday and used her Daddy's truck for the night. She called to tell me that she really thought the battery sounded weak. I told the Daddy, but... well you guessed it.
This morning the battery was a goner. But I remembered that our insurance policy had a little add on for just such a thing. So I'm waiting for a battery jump so I can take Sweet Hubby's little truck for some new starting power.
Darling Daughter took her car in for service on Saturday and used her Daddy's truck for the night. She called to tell me that she really thought the battery sounded weak. I told the Daddy, but... well you guessed it.
This morning the battery was a goner. But I remembered that our insurance policy had a little add on for just such a thing. So I'm waiting for a battery jump so I can take Sweet Hubby's little truck for some new starting power.
Don't you wish you could just go plug yourself in some days and get some new energy to run on!? At least the cooler weather does give many of us a little boost.
So all the time I have for a new post is to do a little
So all the time I have for a new post is to do a little
I think this print is so cute and fun. Just celebrating a little good magic in all of us, especially if you love vintage.POST YOUR COMMENT HERE
and I'll pick a name next TUES OCT 7th.
(I might be out of town that day, but
I'll announce the winner as soon as I return.)
See ya' soon!
and I'll pick a name next TUES OCT 7th.
(I might be out of town that day, but
I'll announce the winner as soon as I return.)
See ya' soon!