Yes, I've got curves! Not on me personally, but instead on the front walkway. And that's just fine with me. The other curves seem to shift & droop over years, but these won't move around so much.

New Paver Walkway, Amaretto Pavers, August 2009

This is after a whole lot of landscaping and the 1st Pavers installed.

From the MLS in 1986. Exactly the same
as when built in 1959-60!
Sweet little house had never received much love.
It's not quite as small as it looks, the garage is on the side.
The original walk was simple cement and went to the end of the property line and not all the way to the street. Years ago we didn't have the choices in pavers that are available today, so when I put down the new one, I went with gray cement pavers that looked like cement. It's a faint memory now, but I do remember this being a ton of work which I did a lot of the work myself. I was pleased because it was a huge improvement.
Like a lot of things in the world of remodeling of house and home, you have so much more to choose from today. The new ones are still cement, but colored all the way through, and they are not thin pavers, but thick like a brick. Good for very long term needs, and these will stay here as long as we are.
The new one is also a foot wider, so that it is much easier for two people to walk on it.

The old walk torn out, and the hose laid
to get the right shape.
You can kind of see in this one
where the walkway ended.
We had to dig out all the plants and
dig for the new path
which moved over the right

Now, w/ Curves!
New plants, from bottom, Asian Jasmine,
Yellow Lantana, Liriope, Mini Holly,
Bromeliads, African Iris, Australian Flax
It's rather silly now how much time I spent deciding if the walk would be straight and then flare out at the end, or if it would be curved. People gave their opinions and it was a split decision. The one that kept me rethinking it all was Sweet Daughter because she didn't see the curved idea working. But she is always quick to say if she changes her mind, and she did after it was all done.
The curved walk design is what I had started with in my sketches, and it turned out to be perfect, for me. It was a lot more work for the installer. But he too loved it when it was all done. In order to get it just right, I laid 2 garden hoses, and came back to it over a couple of days, and "walked" it to see how if felt and looked.
Thanks to those who asked to see the end results. It's always so much fun sharing a new project with those who love the same things!
See Y'all Soon!