Even though nothing I have started on the inside of the house is anywhere near done, we are busy outside. It just happens doesn't it?
We tore the backyard up 3 years ago in hopes of a big redo, then because of health issues it got put on hold. I think it's time to get something done. And of course I'd love for it to be a special oasis where we can relax and feel like it's a vacation spot in our own backyard. We can dream.
My next excuse after getting over the physical setback was that it was totally impossible to do anything major out there when the new puppy arrived. I can remember be scared he was going to run right into a "big hole" where we needed to have a small stump taken out. Funny how what seemed like a big hole looks much smaller today as the puppy Cody Bear has gotten bigger.
As I was dreaming and planning way back when, I picked out my umbrellas first! A little backwards, but Pottery Barn had them on sale. Remember those fabulous lime green ones that had a couple of summers ago? They've been sitting and waiting for me to use them. Fortunately I still love the color but......
Fast forward to the present and I have this love affair going on with turquoise and white.
So what to do. Will the backyard have lime green or turquoise as an accent color?
Before I got sidetracked the
cupboard was painted in the "studio" which is also known as the mess room right now, and the hardware which you have also seen is an
aged turquoise.
When I found the ex-voto hearts that I was looking for, I thought I'd give the "blue" one a try even though I didn't think I would like it. But I loved it! This one came from American Harvest, most likely made in Mexico. I have seen a few on Ebay as well.

It is so charming along side the antique blue bottles. I got them for art projects, but they look so pretty without any adornment, too.

The sea urchin is one of my favorite little treasures, even though I don't usually decorate with shells after living in Florida all my life. I had been thinking about how much I loved the simple white colors and forms of the sea urchins for a long time and planned to find one or two. Although I had not mentioned it to anyone, when Sweet Daughter went on a vacation to the Caribbean she found these while snorkling and brought them home to me. Of course it was a most delightful surprise!
So what do you think? Lime green or turquoise? Actually I think they might look very pretty used together. We will see.
Hopefully some major moving and shaking starts in the backyard next week. We have worked at least 10 hours a day out there this week getting things ready to go.
Um.... well Sweet Hubby has anyway. My time card had a few less hours outside than that.
Have a wonderful weekend!
See Y'All Soon!