
~ Decorating for Easter

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

The Decorated House. Decorating for Easter. Moss Ball, Cement Bunny, Antique Vellum Book
It's time for Easter decorating this weekend, I hope! Here are a couple of pictures from a couple of years ago. One of the best things about blogging is that you can go back and see images from other years. I totally forgot about that cute garden bunny. Wonder where he is? He might hop back inside again this year.
The bunnies are running wild in the house this year. Even this little old garden bunny is inside. I think he has been somewhere on the porch for couple of years, although he was an outside bunny once upon a time. He is sitting beside a reindeer moss ball in a slightly tarnished bowl. Together they are perched atop a beautiful antique Italian vellum book from 3 Fine Grains.

Thanks for the nice comments on the last post, but I deleted the whole thing due to an overactive spamming party over the weekend. Thank goodness blogger has that spam filter now. I've included the same picture below that was in that post. An open shelf cupboard with drawers in the kitchen. It won't be there forever since open shelves are too much work to keep clean for me.

The Decorated House - Kitchen White Dishes - Small Space Storage

This coming week I'll add a few more pictures of Easter decorating around the house.
Thank you for stopping by!

Have a Great Weekend 
See Y'All Soon~

~ Milk Glass & Succulents and a Little Green for Spring

Senin, 24 Maret 2014

The Decorated House : Decorating with Milk Glass & Succulents

The Spring Equinox! It always brings out that longing for the green of Spring and Summer. The heat will be here soon enough, so I'm not trying to rush Summer. It does however make me want to bring more green inside for a little while.
Milk glass is one of those old fashioned goodies that I wish I had seen the beauty of years ago.  But in the past, there was so much of it at the thrift shops, it made it seem just to grandma-like for my taste. Whatever pieces I used to have were long ago given to the Goodwill. In the last few years however I have picked up some here and there if it had really nice lines. Today, you can think of so many ways to incorporate this simple and beautiful white glass into your style even if you haven't quite embraced the grandma style. The lines of the ruffled pieces are so beautiful.

I'm still experimenting with succulents inside the house. They are so extremely easy to grow outdoors, but are a bit more difficult to grow indoors. The ones on the chest right by the window are doing very well. This one  is sitting on the coffee table further away from direct window light. So we will see how it does with less light that the other plants get. For many years I always had house plants, and just got away from tending them because there was plenty of work to keeping the ones outside alive and well.  Now it's one of those things that I miss having so I'm looking for some easy to keep green lovelies this year. 

The Decorated House :: Decorating With Milk Glass & Succulents

Also some green pillows are on the sofa at the moment. What is easier that changing out pillows with the seasons! Since pillow covers are so inexpensive and easy to make, just this simple change can keep your interiors looking fresh to you. 

Again after ignoring milk glass for a while, I fell in love these ruffled bowls. Instead of too old fashioned, they actually look quite modern to me.  They remind me of some of today's lovely blown glass art pieces.

The Decorated House : Milk Glass & Succulents

I'll let you know how all these succulents do inside. They may need a bit more attention than I seem to give indoor plants. I also brought in some bromeliads from the gardens, after washing them very well, which are doing fabulous. They are air plants after all, so other than giving them too much attention, they should be very easy to keep inside.  So far all I did to them is stick them in a container, pretty them up with a bit of moss, and remember to water  the little "cup" in the center before it gets dry. Now anyone can do that!

See Y'All Soon~

~ Decorating with Succulents & Silver and How To Create a Succulent Dish Garden

Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

Decorating with Succulents & Sliver at The Decorated House

It's a great time of the year to bring in a little touch of the garden. After the extreme winter
so many have seen this year, wouldn't a little touch of living green add some warmth?!

You can grow succulents in any number of containers, and silver is a
really pretty choice. Complemented with white, the silver
adds a bit of reflective light and show offs the rich green.

Decorating with Succulents & Sliver at The Decorated House

Sitting on a dark gray-brown honed marble top,  
the  simple Mercury glass candle holders are the perfect 
vessel for some small succulents. 
You could use vintage silver pieces as well. Just be aware that
moss, dirt and plants actually touching the silver can damage it.
Old silver pieces used to be so inexpensive and easy to find 
at Goodwill and thrift stores, but the  prices have certainly changed
since blogs have come along. Some days you can
still get lucky and find a few silver pieces at a decent price.

Succulents thrive where other plants would simply 
give up and turn brown. Put them near a sunny window, let them 
have some breathing room, and do not over water them! 

I planted them exactly the same as I showed in a previous post.
 You can click on the picture below or click 
for the full instructions.  
The only difference for these was that I lined the containers with some plastic
wrap, then insert the succulents which I had planted in small peat pots. 
The plastic goes around the outside of the  peat pots, so when you water,
it will keep the moisture away from the silver.

How To Create a Succulent Dish Garden - The Decorated House

Even if you can't keep the plants alive and well for years, you should be able
 to enjoy them for a few months. Or just before they begin to look a bit on the worn out side, 
 take them outside and bring in some of  new succulents that have been outside instead.
 Rotating the plants will help keep them all healthier.

See Y'All Soon~