
~Where Do Easter Bunnies Come From, Beau Knows!

Jumat, 22 Februari 2008

We've been quite busy around here celebrating Beau Bunny's return from France where he studied art to be an Easter Bunny, of course. It takes some real talent and a lot of hard study to create beautiful Easter eggs.
I think his new jacket is from watching the complete Jane Austen on Masterpiece Theater. But you can see his love for the Impressionists as well. That blue is so becoming don't you think? His new prints are on Etsy.

Today I received a print by Jo James, from the One World One Heart GiveAway! Click on her name and it will take you to her OWOH post and you can see the print that she gave away. Thank You, Jo, it's wonderful. Be sure to check out her fabulous other work!

Thank you to the very sweet ladies who came by to tell me that they loved their OWOH Gifts from me. It was a blast. And I love GiveAways anyway.

We are off to Mt. Dora again tomorrow, hoping to find some new treasure or two. Mostly we are just taking some time out to relax and play. I'll try to remember the camera and share the trip with you. The weather is beautiful, at the moment.
Have a fabulous weekend!

~ Happy Valentine's Day! OWOH Winners, too

Kamis, 14 Februari 2008

From my home to yours,
Wishing You A Very Happy Valentine's Day!

You know I collect treasures in threes to represent each member of my little family. The hearts and the keys, are in threes on Valentine's Day, too. It's a day to remember all the love you have in your heart including that blaze of very young love, and the embers that burn on so much better and deeper as time goes by.
I was in labor on Valentine's Day with my sweet daughter, so it's not easy to forget her on this day anyway!

I was so happy to meet the wonderful people who joined the One World One Heart 2008 GiveAway! As the list grew, I knew I wouldn't make it to all of the 426, but I sure tried. Thank you to each of you, and especially to Lisa of *Heart of the Nest who gave this idea birth and nurtured it again this year. Wow, it was fun! I even won 2 drawings. I'll show them to you when they arrive.

The Winners of my GiveAway are on the OWOH post
but I'll add them here as well
since it is a part of Valentine's Day!

#1 Pocket Full of Prettys
The first prize
#2 Sandra Evertson
Beau Bunny Print
#3 jenny holiday
Kit Cat Print, Zoe!
#4 Daisy Cottage
Silhouette Print
#5 Maureen
2 ACEO Cards

I hope your day is filled with all that you LOVE!

~ One World One Heart Time, 2008

Senin, 04 Februari 2008

(Due to the huge turnout, I am adding more than one GiveAway.)
#1 Pocket Full of Prettys
The first prize
#2 Sandra Evertson
Beau Bunny Print
#3 jenny holiday
Kit Cat Print, Zoe!
#4 Daisy Cottage
Silhouette Print
2 ACEO Cards

Congratulations to all of you who found new blogs & friends!

The 2nd and 3rd Gifts will be Prints
either the Silhouette, Beau Bunny
or Ms. Kit Cat.

(Clicking on the picture above will take you to all the Blogs.)

First Prize GiveAway from the The Decorated House.

Can you believe it's been a whole year? Yes it has. It was so much fun last year and now many more are joining in for a really great time.

Lisa, at Heart of the Nest began this wonderful event. There are over 150 blogs joining in the fun. It's just a cool way to introduce blog travelers to new blogs they have never discovered before, and a reminder to go visit some old friends. The catch, you can't lurk you have to say hi, or something, to enter to win on each blog.

So this is my little Giveaway that you see above.
1. An 8 x 10 Print of my Valentine Silhouette. You can see the different ones that I've made for this year in my Etsy shop.

2. An 8 x 10 Print of Sweet Hubby's art. This one is of the most beautiful Sunflower. For details and information about it you can visit his brand new Etsy shop. It's a newborn, only a few days old. :)

4. Also you will receive a Beau Bunny ACEO, card. These are 2.5 x 3.5 and are fun miniature art pieces.

5. An Angel tag, ready for hanging on a knob or for decorating a package or a hundred other fun things you can think of.

3. And....2 darling handmade paper hearts for tags or decorations from a new little shop on Etsy I found. If you would like to purchase some, go visit Sherry. Really, cute, priced very well!

Deadline for entering is 8am Feb 14th for my GiveAway

I will email the winners on Feb 14th about noontime.

Thank You for coming by, Have a Great Day!

~It's a Crazy Thursday..Um No It's Friday!

Jumat, 01 Februari 2008

Before I get any more emails asking where the heck I am, I'd better sign in!

I have been riding along on Beau Bunny's big adventure. I was minding my own business working away, and Beau found a nice friend (Lycheekiss at Etsy) to put him in an Etsy Treasury. He was making a few friends because he actually made it into 3 treasuries at the same time. From there one got picked for the Front Page and the games began. That little bunny dude got about 1,000 hits I think. I had to relist after the first ones sold, so I don't know the exact number. But it's not that important except Beau thought is was all about him! What a silly rabbit. He is now on his way to far off places from Canada to Norway. And of course some very nice locations in the US as well. He is really excited that he found out today he is going to France.

So today I was up to my eyes with bags, boxes, tape and packing supplies.
Fun, but I'm worn out. Beau Bunny however is still hopping around like a young jack rabbit! Here's a snap of "his" Front Page on Etsy.

I will be posting my One World One Heart Giveaway on Monday. Please come back and sign up for it then.

Hugs! Have a Great Weekend!