
~ Is It Better to Give...

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

In between working on some art for the shop, the de-cluttering continues. I know there is progress, but it sure is slow going.

Over the last 20+ years I have somehow accumulated a lot of picture frames. Obviously my walls must have had much more on them, and I was always picking up frames for art, or just because they were old and pretty. Now I need less walls, and even less on any flat surface.

On my last visit to GoodWill I noticed that they just literally threw almost everything in a big bin. Really good items tossed in with something worth a dollar or two. So it has changed my mind about it being better to give to them rather than selling a few things.

I wanted to do some more experimenting with the turquoise paints, so the old frames were the perfect outlet. They take a bit of time to do, but I think I just love playing with that color. And they look so nice in the shop.

In defense of GoodWill, I do have to say that we have another store further away, and they handle the donations in a much better way. So we just take the time to go to that store now. I still think it's better to give, but it's also good to choose wisely where to give.

See Y'All Soon~

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